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Industry News

The future market development trend of my country's pin header and female connector

Time:2021-11-16 15:26:08 Source:本站 Click:0

      Pin and female connectors have been active in low-end shopping malls in my country. With the continuous improvement of product quality by pin and female connector companies in the past two years, the connector has gradually entered the category of mid-range shopping malls. The development of pin header and female connector technology in China is relatively mature, so more connector manufacturers put their eyes on domestic connector companies when buying, which is also considered self-sufficient. But even so, the competition between my country's pin and female connector companies and its Asian counterparts has never stopped. The current market competition of pin and female connectors faces some problems. In general, the competition faced by header and female connectors can be divided into two aspects.
1. The threat of alternatives
     For now, the primary substitute for connectors is terminal blocks. The threats encountered in mid-to-high-end shopping malls are not great, but in low-end shopping malls, they face fierce competition. When cost is under pressure, they tend to replace the connector with the relatively low-priced terminal block.
2. Corporate profits are being squeezed by acquirers and suppliers
      The purchasers of connectors are primarily the manufacturers of products and equipment. Their shopping malls have a high degree of concentration and standardization. Only when their profitability can be profitable in the current shopping mall economic environment can they be profitable. Therefore, they often use the current information in the acquisition process. Under the background of constantly pushing down prices. The main suppliers of pin header and female header connector manufacturers are aluminum, copper, silver, gold and engineering plastics and other raw materials suppliers. The seller’s industry has a high degree of concentration and standardization; the buyer’s transaction volume is very high. Large, the degree of product differentiation is small, and the cost of converting the seller is relatively small; the possibility of forward integration is not large, and the information of both parties is quite transparent. In general, the seller’s bargaining power is relatively low, which causes the enterprise The profit margin is relatively small.
      Nowadays, with the continuous advancement of technology, the pin header and female connector are also focusing on the upstream industry of the connector. For example, communication computers and some consumer electronic products. Faced with such a relatively new category, the header row Female connector manufacturers need to make great efforts in terms of production experience and production strength. I believe that in the near future, pin header and female connectors can design and develop good products closely following the development of shopping malls and technology, and get rid of the low In the downstream shopping malls at the high end, the creation of high-end product lines.

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